Please Print ( use only black ink ) DATE _________________
Last Name_______________________________ First___________________________ SS# __________________
Address________________________________ City _____________________________ State _____ Zip _________
Phone ( ) ___________________Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female DOB _____/_____/______ Age __________
Insurance Co. ________________________________________________ Policy# ____________________________
Employer & Phone Number_________________________________________________________________________
Spouse’s Name __________________________________________ DOB ____/____/______ SS#_______________
Spouse’s Employer & Phone Number _________________________________________________________________
Referred by:____________________________________________________________________
[ ] Professional / Technical
[ ] Tradesman
[ ] Clerical
[ ] Homemaker
[ ] Production
[ ] Service Retail/Other
| Marital Status: [ ] Married
[ ] Widowed
[ ] Separated
[ ] Divorced
[ ] Never Married
| Education Level:
[ ] less than 12 years
[ ] High School
[ ] 1-4 years college
[ ] Beyond 4 years college
[ ] Professional school
[ ] Other ____________________________
| Date of last X-rays/ Imaging Studies_______________________
Do you NOW have any of the following conditions (MARK ONLY IF YES)
[ ] Congestive Heart Failure?
[ ] Chronic Lung Disease (including Bronchitis of Emphysema)? [ ] Blindness of trouble seeing, even when wearing glasses?
[ ] Deafness or trouble hearing?
[ ] Sugar Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus) Type1? [ ] Sugar Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus) Type II adult onset?
[ ] Asthma?
[ ] Ulcer or gastrointestinal bleeding (not counting Hemorrhoids)?
[ ] Arthritis or Rheumatism?
| [ ] Sciatica of chronic back problem?
[ ] Hypertension of High Blood Pressure
[ ] Angina?
[ ] Heart Attack of Myocardial Infarction?
[ ] Stroke?
[ ] Kidney disease?
[ ] Cancer?
[ ] Depression?
[ ] Other? ____________________________
[ ] Do you smoke? If you smoke cigarettes, how many to you smoke in an average day?
[ ] Less then ½ pack [ ] ½ to 1 pack [ ] 1 to 2 packs [ ] More than 2 packs
[ ] Do you drink? If you drink alcohol, about how many drinks in an average day?
[ ] 1 [ ] no more than 1 [ ] 1 or 2 drinks [ ] 3 to 5 drinks [ ] 6 to 8 drinks
1. List all medications including over counter products)
2. List all operations / surgeries you have had: